Pizza for Breakfast!
Read more: Pizza for Breakfast!Anyone who knows me well has had one of my gourmet pizzas — they’re a specialty of mine. I’m adding this pizza to my pizza-party menu from now on. As I mention in the introduction, the egg and cheese together give this pie a creamy-goodness unlike anything I have ever…
Cold Weather, Hot Kitchen
Read more: Cold Weather, Hot KitchenI said in the introduction to this column, I remember having pot roast quite often when I was a kid. The first time I made it on my own, I was talking to Dad on the phone and I proudly told him what I was making. He quickly replied “I…
Mariah’s Gourmet Salad
Read more: Mariah’s Gourmet SaladMy 9 year-old niece, Mariah, shares my love for cooking. She’s into making salads. At first she would use loads of salad dressing, adding a glob with every ingredient she put in the bowl. This led to some soupy salads. In time, she has refined her skill and is actually…
Where Can a Guy Find Good Seafood in Fort Wayne, Indiana?
Read more: Where Can a Guy Find Good Seafood in Fort Wayne, Indiana?I love fresh seafood and it is very hard to find at an affordable price in the Midwest. I stumbled across a small seafood market in Fort Wayne and decided to check it out. It was a bit pricey but I couldn’t pass on the fresh mussels. The monger told…
Surviving the 2011 Snowpocalypse
Read more: Surviving the 2011 SnowpocalypseThe inspiration for this week’s column is the worst snowstorm that I have ever witnessed. I lived through three blizzards when I was a New Yorker, but none of those prepared me for a blizzard blown by 54 mph winds over the open fields of Indiana. The night before the…
Chili: Thick and Chunky
Read more: Chili: Thick and ChunkyThe most unhealthy chili dish I’ve ever come across was the invention of my Dad. Last summer I saw him fry potatoes, spread them on a plate and then dump a can of hormel chili on top. Tasty yes. Healthy No. It is a culinary spectacle I am glad to…
Easy, Cheesy Garlic Bread
Read more: Easy, Cheesy Garlic BreadWhen I set out to create this recipe I wanted it to be a garlic bread, only I didn’t want the garlic to dominate the flavor. In order to tame the garlic, I roasted it before adding it to the compound-butter that is slathered on each slice. After roasting a…
Sweet & Spicy Chicken Wings
Read more: Sweet & Spicy Chicken WingsI made a version of these wings for my Super Bowl party last year. I thought they were delicious then, but my excitement about my new recipe was over-shadowed by the devastating defeat of my beloved Indianapolis Colts to the New Orleans Saints in Super Bowl XLIV. This recipe is…