Behind the Bites

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  • Cranberry Fruit Salad

    Cranberry Fruit Salad

    Over the years my Mom’s Thanksgiving cranberry salad has become the stuff of legend. There have been countless times where I have been asked “did your Mom bring her cranberry salad” or “do you have the recipe she uses?” For me, it has just been a Thanksgiving staple that I’m used to, like her buckeyes…

  • Frankenfries: Bringing dead french fries to life

    Frankenfries: Bringing dead french fries to life

    Leftover french fries from a restaurant are pretty much horrific from the fridge the next day, and a blitz in the microwave does little to restore them to their former glory. Because of this, I usually never take fries in my to-go package if I have leftovers when I’m out to eat. That has changed. …

  • Spaghetti Carbonara

    Spaghetti Carbonara

    Well, it’s been a while.  I’m still publishing recipes – just exclusively for print! Behind the Bites is alive and well – and syndicated! It’s not as big as Dear Abby, but it does pay for itself. I hope to keep growing the print column and expand to a bigger web presence but that will…

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