Behind the Bites

Feast Your Eyes

  • Stuffed Loin Chops

    Printable version My favorite cut of pork is the loin. It can be roasted, grilled, pan fried, braised or cooked just about anyway and it provides a canvass that works well with different flavors from fresh herbs, to marinades and spice rubs, even fruits. Recently, as I scanned the meat counter at the local grocery…

  • Creamy Baked Onions

    Creamy Baked Onions I was at Meijer recently trying to figure out what I wanted to cook and was drawing blanks. I went to the store with an open mind and thought I would let what was on sale guide me, but after 20 minutes I wasn’t having any luck. That is when I noticed…

  • Mini Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes

    I’m not much of a baker, but my mom and a number of my aunts are all-stars. Over the years, I have left the pies and sweets to them as I developed my skills as a savory cook. This past Thanksgiving my Mom made mini pumpkin spice cupcakes that were outrageously good. When I asked…

  • Chicken Stir Fry with Ramen

    Printable version Ramen noodles are a staple on college campuses and kitchens of the less well-to-do because they cost about $1.64 for a three month supply. Although they are cheap, I still think they’re tasty. I am willing to buy cheap noodles, but lunch meat, well, that’s another story. I’ll just say I’ll never buy…

  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunch Bars

    Printable version The Christmas season has officially arrived and with it comes the onslaught of family get-togethers and office parties featuring pot luck foods and treats loaded with sugar. Like I did last year, I have decided to use the Holiday season as a time for satisfying my sweet tooth and have committed to creating…

  • New Orleans Turkey Stew

    This year for Thanksgiving I wasn’t hosting a party, and wasn’t responsible for any of the major traditional dishes at either of the gatherings I was going to. I had made a large Thanksgiving dinner two weeks before the holiday to post the recipes here, so I had my fix of traditional Turkey Day cooking….

  • Black and Red Chili

    Printable version I love to make chili. When I first started cooking on a regular basis, it seemed like I was making up an experimental batch every weekend. I would throw anything in the pot if I thought it might taste good – mushrooms, black olives, egg plant – you name it. Through making numerous…

  • Kale and Cannellini Bean Soup

    As we gorge ourselves full of turkey, dressing and pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving, I thought it was my duty as someone who shares my kitchen creations with the public to produce a healthy and tasty bite to counter-balance the gut-busting, diet-crashing cuisine that seems to accompany most holiday celebrations. One of the healthiest foods available…

  • Healthy Bites: Turkey on Whole Grain with Cranberry Walnut Salad

    Turkey on Whole Grain with Cranberry Walnut Salad and Mustard Vinaigrette Recently, an old colleague of mine sent me a note and mentioned how he loved the graphics and layout of my blog, but said he won’t try any recipes because he “choses life.” Which was his way of saying that he eats tree bark,…

  • Sausage, Sage and Green Pepper Dressing

        For the last few Thanksgivings I’ve made dressing separately, rather than stuffing which is cooked inside the bird. I usually brine my turkey and the last time I made stuffing inside, it was edible, but the overload of salt from the brine was obvious and it really ruined the flavor. Since that disaster…

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