Simple Apple Pies
Read more: Simple Apple PiesPrintable version Apples seeds and plants were brought to colonial America from the British Isles and Europe. By 1750, many large orchards had been established, not for eating the fruit, but for the production of cider. The drink was so popular that it was known as the national beverage in…
Mexican Pizza
Read more: Mexican PizzaPrintable version I wanted to make an exotic pizza for Football on Sunday. While I was at the grocery store I decided it would be fun to take a Mexican route. I headed to the meat case to pick up some ground beef. I usually start a pizza with the…
Trailblazer Vegan Chili
Read more: Trailblazer Vegan ChiliPrintable version When the director of Fort Wayne Trails suggested I make their entry in Fort Wayne’s Chilifest I thought it would be a fun challenge because there were two parameters. First, they wanted it vegan and second, it needed to be hot or “blazin” to help promote the next…
Lemon Spinach Spaghetti Squash
Read more: Lemon Spinach Spaghetti SquashPrintable version Fall has returned and with it the multiple varieties of winter squash. Originating in the Western hemisphere, there is evidence of squash being consumed in Mexico more than 7,000 years ago. Unlike the summer variety, winter squash has inedible skin and tough flesh that needs to be cooked…
Green Bean Pizza
Read more: Green Bean PizzaPrintable version When I told my Mom about making this pizza she rolled her eyes and gave me a smirk. I couldn’t help but agree. Green bean casserole on a pizza. Sounds crazy, but it was an easy experiment and I had a bowl of cooked green beans left over.…
Cajun Green Beans
Read more: Cajun Green BeansPrintable version Green beans are nearing the end of their seasonal cycle in the Midwest. Since I can remember, most of the people in my family with gardens have a large portion dedicated to the little green pods – which means an almost never-ending supply for the entire family. I…
Easy Crispy Chicken Cordon Bleu
Read more: Easy Crispy Chicken Cordon BleuPrintable version College is back in full swing. Class schedules are becoming routine, papers are being drafted and beer is being guzzled by the gallon. Every so often I like to take simple items from the store and make something special and quick. This recipe, easy crispy chicken cordon bleu,…