Behind the Bites

Feast Your Eyes

A Roast for Dinner Part 3: The Corn

This corn dish is the second side to my roasted pork loin, but really this is a side to the mashed potatoes! I love mixing corn with my taters! I have done it since I was a kid. Throw in the red pepper – I’m in side dish heaven.

This recipe is quick and easy. The toughest part is chopping the ingredients. I use canned corn here. I marvel at the Food Network cooks. It seems like most of them always roast whole ears then slice off the corn.  I’ve never had great luck with that. When I cook an ear of corn I eat it on the cob! I’m usually a purist and cook with fresh ingredients but corn is an exception for me.

Of all the peppers, the red pepper is my favorite. I think it’s sweeter than a green pepper and there’s no heat, unlike chilis. That combination makes it versatile and I use it in many of the dishes I create. I especialy love them roasted! I think that would have worked well here also.

Cooking an entire meal and breaking it up into my separate entries for the blog is new for me. I think this is how I’m going to approach the complex meals and bites that I feature here. It allows me to concentrate on the details of each element rather than a huge post, like my pumpkin feast, with a massive info graphic in the middle. Don’t get me wrong, I still love to create giant recipe infographics. It’s just a better work flow for me to break up the bites. I can still put them all together in the end but I guess I’ll have to save that for the book.

I need to create a word for recipe infographics, any suggestion?

Eat well, cook often …

Part 1: The Loin
Part 2: The Potatoes