Behind the Bites

Feast Your Eyes

Pizza Grilled Cheese

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If you like pizza, you will like pizza grilled cheese.

Seriously, I was as impressed with this as I am with a hot slice of pepperoni pizza from a pizza joint. The pizza grilled cheese was a little more portable and finger food friendly though.

This will easily be your kids favorite lunch and it might replace pizza night every once in a while. The crispy toasted bread is an excellent replacement for traditional pizza crust and everything else is the same, so it’s not that far off from a real slice of pie.

Using mayo on the surface of the bread that will touch the hot griddle is an absolute must if your making grilled cheese. For years I used butter and then I read a tip in a magazine that said to use mayo. Hands down, the mayo is the best way to get that golden brown crispy bread, just like the diner. The mayo provides a little grease, but that grease is flavor and it’s the only way to make grilled cheese sandwiches on the griddle.

I had two of these left over (after eating two of them myself) and to my surprise my mom ate both. She had one for lunch on two different days – not two in one sitting. She wrapped one up and put it in the fridge for the next day after eating the first one while it was still warm.

I was surprised that she ate them.

She has been very dedicated to weight watchers for the last two years and has really slimmed down. Part of that is not eating things like pizza grilled cheese, but weight watchers does allow a little splurging. To stay true though, she needed to make up for it at another meal. She thought these were tasty enough to cut points else where.

I thought they were really good when I ate them, but the fact that she was willing to eat them TWICE really tells the true story of how tasty these are.

Eat well, cook often …

Divide for 4 sandwiches
1/4 C Mayonnaise
8 slices Bread
8 slices Mozzarella cheese
1/4 C Pizza sauce
36 slices Pepperoni

Assemble, grill
Spread a thin layer of mayo on side of bread to be grilled. Layer slice of cheese, 9 pepperoni slices, a tablespoon of pizza sauce, 1 more slice of cheese and top piece of bread. Repeat 4 times. Grill sandwiches until bread is golden brown and cheese is melted, flipping half way through. Then serve.