Behind the Bites

Feast Your Eyes

Custom Hot Dog Bar

Printable version

Hot dogs are a year-round guilty pleasure for myself, especially with chili! It’s the summer time though – when dogs seem to be synonymous with campfires and grills – that I eat them most. They’re one of the easiest meals that can be produced on a fire and only require hands to devour, making them ideal for backyard parties and 20 minutes snacks before heading off to the ball park.

Hot dogs can also be taken to another level of flavor with a few simple toppings. A can of chili, some nacho cheese or a slice of bacon and dressing from the fridge are all that is needed to put a flavor twist on this American classic. There are limitless combinations of garnishes that can be used, which make hot dogs an ideal center piece to a bar of toppings for a summer party.

This post contains a few suggestions for toppings that will create three distinct and delicious hot dogs, but adding more or mixing the toppings creates endless snack possibilities for around the campfire.


Custom Hot Dog Bar

This is the first time I have created my weekly print column and used only one photograph to illustrate the recipe, in fact there are 3 recipes in one photo! I just thought the best way to illustrate a column about a hot dog bar was to photograph three custom dogs with all of the ingredients visible.

It only took one shot!

This is a big moment in the four-year history of my food column! I’m not going to start doing one-photo recipes all the time, but if it makes sense to illustrate my concept in general, I will gladly try the one photo approach. In fact, I have already done it again with another column that I haven’t published yet but will in the next couple of weeks.

I really like how this turned out, there is something very magazine about one bold picture. I love the detailed multiple-photo approach that most of my columns feature, but I have to admit there is something very yummy about one big ol’ pic of delicious food!

Eat, well, cook often …


Custom Hot Dog Bar

Nacho cheese, pickled jalapeno, crushed tortilla chips and a sprinkle of cumin.

Corned beef, sauerkraut, swiss cheese and 1000 Island dressing

Avocado, bacon, tomato, onion and squeeze of lime

One response to “Custom Hot Dog Bar”

  1. Unknown Avatar

    Oh, hell to the yes. As a hot dog lover myself (and as a former editor who was forced to work the layout desk for a few grueling months), this graphic is better than any piece of art in any museum. Out-freaking-standing!