Behind the Bites

Feast Your Eyes

A new adventure has begun

I’m just getting settled in Austin, Texas!

A great opportunity has come my way and for the second time in my life, I decided to pull up stakes and leave the comforts of the Midwest and Northern Indiana.

I packed up my place outside Chicago. Spent the holidays with my family. Then loaded a 20-foot U-haul and took off for Texas with my car in tow. Two days and 180 gallons of gas later, I rolled into town and have been soaking it in ever since.

I didn’t have to wait for the warmth of spring this year, I drove right to it. Austin has had beautiful weather since I arrived and the natives tell me that it has been a warmer winter than usual.

The spirit of the people here reminds me of the spirit you find in New York City, just slightly slower moving and not as consumed with grift. I’m still brand new to this place but I have to admit, something feels really right about this move. I can’t predict the future but I have to say – so far, so good.

As the number of boxes to unpack diminishes, the more normal things I get to do. Normal things, like sharing a post here at the blog, are starting to blossom — Just like the plants and trees outside my door.

Eat well, cook often …

One response to “A new adventure has begun”

  1. Carole Avatar

    Good luck Justin. Cheers from Carole's Chatter